Catching the wave: How to turn live data into live action
Data and insights teams are relied upon by brands to be the eyes and ears for what’s going on in the world, how the public is reacting, and what the media is saying.From a global pandemic, the war in Ukraine, rising inflation, political instability, and an ongoing supply chain crisis, these black swan events have dramatically increased the pressure on data teams to have a real-time view of what’s going on and predict how it will impact their brand.
Join us for a webinar with NewsWhip CEO Paul Quigley and Michael Young, Global Insights Manager at Ford where we will discuss these modern challenges, how best to use social and web data to identify threats and opportunities related to your brand, and what it means to be a modern-day analyst in the comms world.
We’ll be covering such topics as:
✅ The changing role of data and insights in comms and PR. What it means to “live” real-time events, and even predict future ones. It’s more than technology, it’s a whole cultural shift…
✅ Making sense of the noise. Finding valuable samples, working out what’s noise, and what really matters, especially when you’re under pressure.
✅ Finding the confidence (and insight) to guide leadership. We live in a turbulent world, how can social media play a part in helping leadership understand or even predict the impact on the business? Could it even play a role? Join the panel for this critical discussion
This interview was recorded via LinkedIn Live, if you prefer to view on LinkedIn, click the button below.
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