May 17, 2023

Social intelligence stories that caught our attention: volume eighteen

Date & Time (GMT):
May 17, 2023 1:47 PM
Date & Time (EST):
May 17, 2023 1:47 PM

In this weeks’s round-up of the most eye-catching social intelligence stories from around the web, life in Uber drivers’ shoes, how the young are reshaping the news and the way we use language to beat the blues!

What people hate about being managed by algorithms

In this report from Harvard Business News, a new academic study of Uber drivers has revealed that constant surveillance, lack of transparency and dehumanization are big issues for those working under ‘algorithmic management’.

Read more here.

Facebook to remove ‘likes’ from news feed posts?

Facebook could also join Instagram’s experiment of removing the ‘Like’ counter from its News Feed posts, according to this report from Firstposts, Tech2 site.

Read more.

The missing piece in bringing social data to life? Human relationships

In this Linkedin blog, Nathaniel Hansen, Director of Social at The Socializers, argues that brand leadership and staff must learn how to bring social data to life via relationships.

Read the blog here.

How young people consume news and the implications for mainstream media

A new report from the Reuters Institute has revealed the very different attitudes of young people towards traditional news channels and points to what this might mean for the future of the news media industry.

Read the report here.

Whatever the language, we communicate at the same rate

A study of 17 different languages has found that they all communicated information at a similar rate, suggesting that despite cultural differences, languages are constrained by the brain's ability to produce and process speech, roughly an average of 39 bits/s.

Read more here.

The history of human emotion

In this fascinating TedTalk video, historian Tiffany Watt Smith explains why the words we use to describe our emotions affect how we feel and how they've often changed (sometimes very dramatically) in response to new cultural expectations and ideas.

Watch the talk here.

Or view the interview on LinkedIn

This interview was recorded via LinkedIn Live, if you prefer to view on LinkedIn, click the button below.

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