Social Intelligence Stories That Caught Our Attention: Volume Twenty-Four
In this week’s round-up we have, a lot about Facebook, Tweets destroying companies, the mistakes made by insight leaders, Firework the TikTok competitor, and stop weighing likes.
Facebook and Political Ads: The Should be Banned
This is a topic that I’ve been vocal about for a while now – to overcome the unintended consequences of political advertising and political disinformation in social media, the ads should be banned. Politicians and those creating the legislation need to change policy, not just leave it up to Facebook to take the lead. Take a read and see what TechCruch as to say on the matter.
Could a Single Tweet Destroy Your Company?
It seems rather absurd that a single tweet could destroy a company, but not really. Remember the infamous Kylie Jenner SnapChat Tweet or more recently, the online conversations about WeWork. While this article is more about engaging with stakeholders online, there are nods to analysing data and predicting threats. Don’t leave it until crisis hits to get into social media intelligence (*hint, it’s too late at that point).
The Four Most Common Mistakes Made by Customer Insight Leaders
Let’s face it, in social intelligence we’re all in the insight business. Across at MyCustomer.com, Paul Laughlin talks about the common mistakes in insights, if you work in social intelligence client-side, I’m sure you’ll see a connection to some of your challenges.
“many are working with disconnected data, antiquated systems, under-resourced teams and insufficient budgets.”
Firework, TikTok’s Newest Competitor
Our community contributor, Liz Gross wrote an awesome article about using TikTok for social listening. In this article, learn more about TikTok competitor Firework. New data sources are popping up all the time, they can be different to the sources that we already use, it’s time to understand more about them.
Facebook Ads Scam
Reading through this article, I was reminded of some of the advertising I had seen on Facebook. In these ads you got a free test of a product, but you were then set up on a subscription to the product. It was all a scam. I’ve put this one in here to highlight the persuasive nature of the campaigns that were produced by Ads Inc.
Zuckerberg Defends Allowing Misinformation in Campaign Ads
Across at The Hill, they report that Mark Zuckerberg defended his company’s controversial decision of allowing politicians to post political ads with misleading or false claims on its platform, saying it’s “something we have to live with”. Going back to my statement before, to stop this, legislation must change, we can’t wait for Facebook to change (its worth too much money to them).
Stop Weighing Your Value in Likes
Across on Medium, Christina Garnett writes about the contention between counting likes and followers and what constitutes real value.
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