Hoa Nguyen

Independant Consultant


Winner 2023

Hoa Nguyen

What does social intelligence mean to you?

Social Media Intelligence is a sophisticated and modern approach to capture, analyze, and generate insights from millions of consumer online conversations and reviews.

In consumer insights area, these advanced data and text mining capabilities enable us to gain a deeper understanding of consumer preferences, identify current and emerging consumption trends, develop new product concepts, improve client service, and enhance sales performance.

In communication area, social media intelligence can enhance the efficacy of content creation with most trending hashtags, optimize the timing of content sharing, and improve the visibility of marketing messages. This can also lead to a stronger connection with followers, an expansion of the follower base, and increased loyalty.

What motivates you in your work? What makes you want to keep working in social intelligence

I’m motivated to continue in this field because I believe that there are more to do and more to leverage from this source of information. For instance, the exponential potential for AI applications can help improve analysis, with more granularity in emotion detection, deeper context analysis with images, colors and sounds, on top of the current NLP capabilities.

What do you think makes you successful in your work?

I would think of 4 key factors:

  1. Understanding the challenges faced by my potential users and being able to communicate effectively with them to highlight the relevance of the tool to their daily work.
  2. Making connections between the needs of users and the capabilities of digital technologies to maximize the usage of these tools and to build up appropriate methodologies.
  3. Identifying an initial audience that is open to embracing innovation and, once convinced, can effectively promote the interest to their peers.
  4. Encouraging a culture of knowledge sharing by onboarding new users and sharing best practices. This helps to build a strong community and ensures that everyone is able to make the most of the available resources.

What are the key skills that have contributed to your success?

Maybe at first, being curious and always keen to learn and to explore new technologies. My background in business management and marketing allows me to identify connections between user needs and new digital tools. This combination enables me to develop and execute effective solutions, then to persuade others to adopt them.

Finally, in consulting activities, I believe that a positive way of thinking always ease the communication and the collaboration with a variety of stakeholders, including clients, colleagues, and partners.

What makes social data special compared to other data sources?

Social Media data has specificities that make it unique compared to other sources. Some of them form a real plus such as:

  • Rich and real-time information, with a large and diverse coverage in different languages and geographic zones
  • Cost-effective and time-efficiency
  • Helps detect consumer’s preferences and behaviors

Although, some minus points make it an efficient complementary source but that can’t totally replace others:

  • Social media users represent a part of the population that are particularly very connected and must have access to computers, digital devices and technologies, and not a wider age ranges
  • Difficulty to make the difference between fake news, fake accounts and real consumer feedback
  • We also want to see improvement in term of data privacy and ethical concerns

What does being a social intelligence pioneer mean in the context of your work?

Eight years ago (in 2015), I was fortunate enough to have this incredible opportunity, introducing Social media intelligence as a new method of Consumer Insights to my current client, one of the world leader in fragrance and flavors.

This new way to leverage insights from social media, going beyond simple brand reputation analysis was seen and highly appreciated by Marketing and Sales communities as a valuable addition to traditional CI methods.

I’m excited to continue my work in this field, and to challenge tool providers to meet our constantly changing analysis requirements. By doing so, I believe that we also help drive the growth and improvement of the social media listening tool market, as well as ensuring that it meets the evolving needs and expectations of users.

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