Jaya Sardana

Senior Manager

Ipsos Healthcare Advisory

Winner 2023

Jaya Sardana

What does social intelligence mean to you?

For me, Social intelligence is to be able to understand and bring structure to the unstructured social media data. To navigate the rapidly changing consumer needs and understand the triggers driving the change. To LISTEN to what consumers are saying, and to UNDERSTAND what they are NOT saying- and combining it all to generate insights that could be used to make informed strategical decisions.

What motivates you in your work? What makes you want to keep working in social intelligence?

There are aspects of my job which I totally have been in love with, since the beginning and it grows multifold with every passing day:

  • I get to navigate the complex and unending world of social media. There is nothing more fulfilling than extracting meaning from the rabbit holes of data, and gleaning insights which not only help the clients grow but also the end consumers, (the Patients in my case!!)
  • Endless opportunities of learning and growth! There is so much to it, so much to explore, understand, discover-for you to grow, as well as contribute to this industry’s growth. Even the sky isn’t your limit, when it comes to social intelligence.
  • You never get bored! You can never get bored! The moment you think you have seen it all, there will be a fresh challenge for you to conquer, and you will be like a kid who is tasting candy for the first time!

What do you think makes you successful in your work?

I love what I do, and every aspect of it. I am willing to learn, unlearn, and re-learn to be able to bring innovative solutions.

What are the key skills that have contributed to your success?

To be able to connect the dots (even the hidden ones), to be able to present the insights in a way clients find them easy to understand, having a keen eye for detail, keeping up pace with the changing industry trends, and the strive to find answers and create new solutions.

What makes social data special compared to other data sources?

In my decade of experience, I have come to think of social as an ocean. The moment you think it has dried up, it takes you by surprise by replenishing itself with innumerable unexplored insights- and this is how we can cope with the ever-changing and ever-evolving industry landscapes. Digital platforms, today, have become a necessity for people, especially patients. They not only use it to gather information, but also to confide their biggest fears and concerns. And, that opens a window for us to uncover the “moments of truth”- to know how to connect with them and address their unmet needs

What does being a social intelligence pioneer mean in the context of your work?

I joined this industry a decade back, as a fresher right out of college, when social media was considered just a fad. I have had the privilege to see this industry morph into a giant, and an essential part, that almost no person and company can live without. From just trying to listen to what people are saying about products, to deriving insights on behavior and perception to understand what people are actually thinking- we have come a long way! And I have had the opportunity to contribute to it. I have crafted multi-modal research frameworks that have been deployed within various top healthcare companies globally. Now, I am finding joy in integrating social data with other data sets to build a holistic solution, focused on solving real-world consumer needs

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