Kanad Bhowmik

Senior Lead


Winner 2022

Kanad Bhowmik

What was your journey/career path to your current position?

I started my journey back in 2010 with creating social media intelligence reports for Fortune 500 clients. It was a time when social media was a new kid in the block, everyone was trying it out, but no one was taking it seriously and labelling it as a passing fad. Spent a lot of time with brands, helping them to navigate the evolving nature of social media and witnessed closely the transformative journey of social media from being a 'nice-to-have' aspect to ‚'must have' aspect of almost every business. Currently working in social media analytics practice, where I create unique social media analytics solutions to help brands in their digital transformational journey.    

What's your proudest achievement of your career to date?

Top on my list of achievements so far in my career has to be the innovative social intelligence solution that was built to not just identify customer's precise intent but to be able to identify the probability of losing or acquiring a new customer which just enhances the way businesses look at customer experience. When this went to be filled for patent it had to be that cherry on the cake and is closer to my heart and my proudest moment.    

What does social intelligence mean to you?

Understanding and predicting the way a user reacts to a specific content or a topic.    

What's been the biggest challenge you've faced while trying to get brands to integrate social intelligence within their growth strategy?

Brands are still much more focused on using social media intelligence in only few touch points in a customer's digital journey phase like 'awareness', 'consideration',or 'loyalty'. But integrating social intelligence in every aspect of consumer's digital journey phase to create 'Brand Love' was one of the biggest challenge.    

What do you think is the biggest missed opportunity for social intelligence?

I believe the data privacy aspect of social media should have been dealt with much earlier, which lead to a lot of distrust amongst its users. Adding to that, most companies across geographies focus on using social media as a tool to place ads or selling products rather offering customer centric services and miss out on connecting with consumers, build trust and form communities. This I believe is one of the biggest missed opportunities.    

How do you see social intelligence and its use evolving?

Social Media data till recently was seen separately from other data sources and was creating data silos, however, now the social media data is increasingly being used with data from other channels which is helping in generating meaningful and actionable insights. The increasing use of social media for customer service for example is forcing companies to use social data along with data from CX platforms to generate deeper insights.

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