June 1, 2023

Convosphere Challenge: A new face in beauty: what digital conversations can tell us about inclusivity in skincare and cosmetics

Date & Time (GMT):
June 1, 2023 10:30 AM
Date & Time (EST):
June 1, 2023 10:30 AM

A new face in beauty: what digital conversations can tell us about inclusivity in skincare and cosmetics.

Beauty inclusivity has soared into the spotlight in recent years. As consumers increasingly seek out products that look like them or are even personalized to them, companies are being challenged to be more inclusive.

So, what can digital conversation and internet data tell us about what consumers want? We set Convosphere a challenge, to analyse social data and present insight on the beauty inclusivity movement, and what consumers are looking for.

Join this session, to hear exclusive insights from Convosphere CEO, Jackie Cuyvers.

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This interview was recorded via LinkedIn Live, if you prefer to view on LinkedIn, click the button below.

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