Will general social listening technologies ever meet business needs?
During this year's State of Social Listening survey, we asked people about the technology and data they were using to support their work with social data. The results showed that whilst many people are investing significant budget in social listening technology, they are not always used in the way intended. The results suggested that use cases for social listening is maturing and with that comes new technologies focused on specific data sources or use cases, and a growing number of companies building their own bespoke solutions.
Join us on LinkedIn on October 18th where we'll be talking with Justin Wyman, CRO of Socialgist. This interview will greatly benefit those organisations who are struggling to get traction with their social listening technologies or those who are exploring building tech to better suit their needs We'll be discussing:
✅ What is exciting about trends in uses and data demands that have changed since the previous report?
✅ What are the implications of how organizations are now organizing around social listening?
✅ How does an organization make the decision to build versus buy a social listening technology?
*read more about the State of Social Listening and get your copy of the results here.
This interview was recorded via LinkedIn Live, if you prefer to view on LinkedIn, click the button below.
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