May 17, 2023

Social Intelligence Stories that Caught Our Attention: Volume Four

Date & Time (GMT):
May 17, 2023 1:47 PM
Date & Time (EST):
May 17, 2023 1:47 PM

Here’s the stories that caught our attention across the web week of 6th May. This week we’ve got privacy, trust reputation – and the Brandwatch NYK conference.

Are We Using Social Data Respectfully?

Rob Kramer asks if we’re using social data respectfully, including enough context, and questioning bias? Many of us already integrate additional data and research into social intelligence, Rob suggests integrating search data (he’s the search, social and innovations lead at Kantar so an unsurprising recommendation). But we do like his advice on periodically and critically revisiting your assumption about the data channels you are using.

Finra Warn Investor Not to Base Stock Decisions on Social Sentiment

The Securities and Exchange Commission and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority are warning investors about using social media data to make investment decisions. The thinking that by analysing social data they can detect social sentiment and predict future market or economic performance, but the regulators argue that social media posts can have hidden agendas.

People Don’t Trust What They See on Social Media

UM’s tenth annual Wave X – Remix Culture survey suggests that internet users don’t find social media to be all that trustworthy. We don’t blame them with of all the headlines over the past couple of years making the masses more aware of issues surrounding credibility and transparency on the internet. But that doesn’t always mean these communications don’t influence behaviour!

Tech Evolution: Data and Analytics Powering Reputation Repair

Across at Forbes, Matt Anthes from SociallyMinded is talking crisis and reputation repair. Looking at Lori Loughlin and her alleged role to play in the college admissions bribery scandal to influence student college admissions, he used social data to see if there was any redemption for Loughlin. Anthes suggests that Loughlin should target her messaging towards those under 32 years of age and who are sympathetic towards women and who focus on family. Or those women who do not have a college degree. What do you think of these recommendations?

Big News From Brandwatch NYK Chicago

There was a lot of social chat coming out from the Brandwatch #NYKConf with big news from the Brandwatch and Crimson Hexagon merger. Delegates were treated to a sneak peek at a new prototype product. And talk about the Qriously acquisition. Is Brandwatch placed to change the way brands do market research?

Did you miss out on #NYKConf? It's hard to whittle down to top 10 highlights, but here they are:

— Crimson Hexagon (@CrimsonHexagon) May 10, 2019

The Lyst Index

The Lyst Index is a quarterly ranking of fashion’s hottest brands and products. We’re not usually a fan of an index but we like that Lyst has blended multiple data sources to create the list. Their formula behind the Index takes into account global Lyst and Google search data, conversion rates and sales, as well as brand and product social media mentions and engagement statistics.

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